A Timely Reminder

Tomorrow will mark two years since my dad passed away. Over the past two years, I have missed so many things I used to take for granted, but one thing I am sure of is that my sadness has been tempered by the faithful life that my dad lived and the faithfulness of the God …

A Quick Bible Word Search

Here’s a brief Bible word search that I believe speaks for itself. Just let it sink in. Pope – Not Found Supreme Pontiff – Not Found Papacy – Not Found Vicegerent – Not Found Vicar of Christ – Not Found Holy Father – Not Found Prince of the Apostles – Not Found Archbishop – Not …

A Great Idea for Churches

In today’s post, I want to share a really neat tool for your congregation. All of us have probably participated in the making of a church pictorial directory. And we have probably all come to the realization that by the time the directory is completed, it has become outdated. Well, here’s a solution to this problem …

Lies Christians Believe

At one point or another, we’ve all been on the receiving end of lies. Sometimes those lies aren’t intentional, but “good intentions” don’t make an untruth, true. Maybe the first lies we were ever told were told to us by our well-intentioned parents. Did you ever hear these untruths from your parents? “Don’t make that …

Have You Seen This Bible?

In 2007, several Israeli scientists were able to inscribe the entire Hebrew Bible on a tiny silicon surface that measured approximately half the size of a grain of sugar. This Bible was created by blasting tiny particles called gallium ions which created an etching just like a hammer and chisel would. It’s almost mind-boggling to consider …