Church Answers

Have you ever noticed how we have “church answers” reserved for “church settings?” These answers are sometimes less than truthful, but they are what we believe the questioner expects to hear.  For instance, you may have heard about the Bible class teacher who asked her young students what has four legs, gathers nuts for the …

Would You Destroy A Bible?

Many years ago, a wicked king was presented with a copy of God’s word. The king commissioned a man to read it for him, and after only reading a few paragraphs, the king took the scroll and cut it with a penknife, then destroyed it by throwing it in the fireplace (Jeremiah 36:21-23). By way …

We Don’t “Grow the Church”

Are any of you old enough to remember chalkboards in school? If so, you also remember the grating sound of fingernails going down that chalkboard. (It sets me on edge just writing about it). Well, if you know that feeling I’m talking about, then you also know the feeling I have every time I hear …