The Proverbial “Falling Tree Limb”

Here’s the setup. A man is sitting in church, listening to the preacher preach a sermon about Jesus. This man’s conscience is pricked by the word of God. He believes Jesus to be the Son of God and because of his belief he also repents of his sins and confesses his faith in Jesus before …

Father, Son, and Holy Scriptures

When it comes to any matter of revelation, big or small, I want to know the truth. And knowing what the Bible teaches about the work of the Holy Spirit is no exception. However, if the title of this article piqued your interest, and you followed the link to see what “side of the Holy Spirit …

When Jesus Got Angry

If I were to ask, “Can you tell me of a time when Jesus got angry?” I would suspect that most people could give me an instance or two. At the top of the list would probably be the “cleansing of the temple” (Matthew 21:12-13). Others may remember his scathing rebuke of the Scribes and …

Pin-Ups and Beat Downs

Do you remember a few years ago when “Miss California” made national news when she failed to give a “politically correct” answer a question about homosexual marriage?  Because she stated that she believed marriage was to be between a man and a woman, she lost her chance at the title of “Miss USA,” but was …

5 Of The Greatest Challenges Facing The Church

While I do not consider myself an expert in anything, I do have a few years of preaching experience under my belt.  Over the past 30 years of working with the church, preaching across the country, talking with elders, preachers, and members, I’ve identified a few challenges the church needs to work at overcoming. What do you …