Like A Persecuted Church

Imagine it’s Sunday morning.  You and your family put on jeans and t-shirts and get ready to go to the mountains.  You carry with you a large picnic basket, and your children carry with them a baseball and a couple gloves.  You arrive at the mountains, pile out of the car and take about a …

Snubbing the President

Wade Webster wrote an excellent article here that is responsible for my article below.  Thanks, Wade. During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln had a rather rocky relationship with his General-in-chief of the Union army, George McClellan.  Lincoln thought he was frequently too slow to act on the offensive. It is said that on one …

Unprejudiced Racism

I’m not prejudiced, really.  That’s just the way I was brought up.  I don’t mean anything by it. I’m not prejudiced, really.   I just don’t want them moving next door. I’m not prejudiced, really.  I just think they could thrive better if they had their own church. I’m not prejudiced, really.  I don’t mean …

Be My Valentine!

You’ve probably heard the story about the young man who wouldn’t marry unless the girl he picked to marry had the approval of his mother.  This young man would bring home girl after girl to meet his mother, only to have his mother disapprove.  After several years of trying, this young man finally found a …

The Pope Resigns

With the recent announcement of “Pope Benedict’s” resignation, a maxim came to my mind which states, “if you say something long enough, whether it’s true or not, people will believe it.”  That maxim is nowhere better illustrated than when one affirms that the apostle Peter was the first Pope.  It is assumed by millions of …