Is The Pope Catholic?

“Pope” Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church made news this past week by stating that one doesn’t have to be a Catholic to be redeemed.  In fact, not only does one not have to be Catholic, Pope Francis affirmed that even atheists are redeemed. It appears the modern, sweeping spirit of ecumenism has even …

Praying Like He#%!

While watching the morning news, I heard a woman who had gone through a very harrowing ordeal say that while she was going through her life and death struggle, she began “praying like He#%!” “Praying like He#%?”  I must admit I was taken back by her choice of words.  Now I certainly understand her shock, …

The Rest of the Story

Do you know who Joseph, called Barsabbas was?  No?  Doesn’t ring a bell?  Well then, let me ask you another question.  Do you know who Matthias was?  Ah, that you know.  He was the man selected to replace Judas as an apostle.  The other man who was not selected was Joseph, called Barsabbas. Joseph, called …