The Day After

Today is the day after the 2012 Presidential Election.  Today, approximately half of the population of the United States is pleased with the outcome of the election, while the other half is terribly disappointed. Whether you’re rejoicing or mourning on this “day after,” try to remember the following facts. Our hope is not in the …

The Election

Today is election day!  I suppose Facebook will be “a-buzz” with political rhetoric, some of which will generate more heat than light.  So I thought I’d chime in, join the fray, and offer just two points for your consideration.  One point is especially for preachers and elders, and the other for all Christians. Point One:  …

Trick or Treat?

As a boy, “Trick or Treat” night ranked second on my list of favorite holidays behind Christmas.  I loved dressing up and wearing those plastic masks that would make your face sweat, give you no peripheral vision, and would always have to be taped to hold the elastic band to the mask where I had …

Listen to Our Hearts

I wanted to take a few moments and share with you a project that the members of the Karns Church of Christ just finished. For quite some time, I have thought that we needed more devotional reading material.  Since 2001, I have tried to focus on this genre of writing through an email that I …

The “1-A-Day” Challenge

For the next 30 days, I would like to challenge you to encourage someone every day by writing them a note on Facebook, email, or snail-mail. Now, let me tell you why.  Jesus, our example, complimented people.  When the centurion came to him, asking him to heal his servant, it would have been easy for …