The Day After

Today is the day after the 2012 Presidential Election.  Today, approximately half of the population of the United States is pleased with the outcome of the election, while the other half is terribly disappointed.

Whether you’re rejoicing or mourning on this “day after,” try to remember the following facts.

  • Our hope is not in the one who was placed in the White House, but the one who was placed on the cross.
  • Our  trust is not in a donkey or an elephant, but in a lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
  • Our citizenship is not in a flawed Republic, but in a perfect Monarchy.
  • Our King has no term limits, is not in danger of being voted-out or deposed, but will reign forever.
  • Our King was not elected to office because he is the “lesser of two evils,” but he was selected because he is wholly worthy!
  • Our laws are not subject to preferential treatment of a few influential people, but are always just, holy, and good for all.
  • Our Kingdom is not restricted by borders, but is universal.
  • Our Kingdom is not comprised of citizens with compliant behavior, but with transformed hearts.
  • Our leader is not the “Commander-in-Chief” of a mighty military but the “Lord of Hosts.”
  • Our leader is not handicapped by a failing economy, for all things belong to Him.
  • Our Kingdom agenda is the same the day after the election as it was the day of the election, regardless of who was elected: We are to promote God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

Take a moment on this “Day After” to think beyond the temporal, and thank God for granting us citizenship into an eternal kingdom that has no rival!


Comments 6

  • Perfectly said. This day could benefit from a bit of perspective.

  • Well said, Steve. I look forward to the time when we will be united with our Lord, that all may be all in Him, not splitting time with the flesh, (1 Corinthians 15:24-28). Until then, we clearly have a LOT of work to do. Keep at it, brother.

  • I Cor. 15:25…explain the reign of Christ in this verse. I have been under the impression that His reign would end at His second coming. Not being quarrelsome truly want to understand.

  • Pam, you are right in your observation, and I didn’t make myself clear enough. I was referring to his reign in “time.” Kingdoms of men will come and go, but the Lord’s reign over his Kingdom will stand forever (i.e. as long as time exists). But you are correct in your observation that when he returns, he will deliver up his kingdom to his Father and cease reigning (1 Cor. 15:24-28).

  • Steve, thank you for putting things in perspective. I was feeling pretty low, but you have reminded me of the important things. thanks again.

  • Amen, brother. Perhaps when some of our brethren regain their focus on the eternal, we may begin to get some really important work done.