Life Without A Prom?

I believe the headlines say it all: “How To Have The Most Romantic Night Ever,” “Tonight Will Last Forever,” “Dresses So Hot They Sizzle,” “Your Hottest Prom Body,” and “Sex – It’s Your Call.” These are the messages being marketed to teens regarding the High School rite of passage called, “The Prom.”  These were the …

Facebook Etiquette For Christians

I’ve been a Facebook user since 2006.  Since that time, I would consider myself a moderate user (my children would choose the term “creeper”).  Whatever term best identifies me, I’ve been around long enough to be “put off,” “disappointed,” “embarrassed,” and “shocked” by some of the things I’ve read and seen.  Therefore, I’m going to …

Do You Have An Accent?

Several years ago, I had the opportunity go to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and speak in a weekend seminar hosted by the Edmonton Church of Christ.  It was such an encouragement to go so far away and find so many good people who were striving to conform their lives into the image of Jesus, just as …

Religious Abuse

In recent years, newspaper headlines are full of examples of “church abuse” or “spiritual abuse.”  It’s disheartening and even sickening to hear about some of the ways in which religious leaders have used their position, power, authority, and  influence to manipulate people to their own advantage and for their own purposes. However, as terrible as …