In Defense of Storytelling

“Our preacher doesn’t preach the Bible, he just tells stories.”  “All he does is use a few verses, and the rest of the time he tells stories.”  “In recent years, Bible preaching has given way to storytelling.” These are all complaints that I have sometimes heard brethren make.  In fact, just yesterday, I read an …

Time Zones

Anyone who has ever done any traveling realizes that “Time Zones” have to be taken into account.  While visiting Israel a few years ago, I found myself wide awake at 3:00 a.m. every night.  It just didn’t seem like it should be bed time, but according to the time zone we were in, it was.  …

Why Blog?

I enjoy writing.  I’m no wordsmith and I still have much room for improvement, but I would like to think that I’m better at this craft today than I was 10 years ago.  If I were to break down my typical duties each week, a good bit of time would be spent in writing, or …