Did You Think To Pray?

Consider the following truth: “Jesus went more readily to the cross of Calvary than we do to the throne of grace in prayer.” But why is that so? Is it because of a lack of faith?  A spirit of independence?  Carelessness?  Yes, yes, and yes. Friends, when I meditate upon that opening statement, I am …

The Problem With Some Christians…

With very little observation necessary, one can easily see that not everyone who professes to be a follower of Jesus is committed to the task of discipleship.  Apparently, “Easy-beliefism” has salved the consciences of those who are unwilling to bring their lifestyle into conformity with their desires. Take a close look at the list below.  …

Well, It Happened Again

A couple years ago I had the opportunity to make a trip to Israel.  One of the places we visited was the “Church of the Nativity.”  This church building was erected over the alleged birthplace of Jesus.  As we walked through the facility, one of the men in our group quietly chuckled at something that …

Christmas on Sunday? How Inconvenient!

I’ve been reading in the news lately of several churches who are deciding to cancel their Bible classes and worship services on Christmas Day because it falls on Sunday.  Several rather influential churches have announced that they are closing their doors on Christmas day, which of course, falls on Sunday this year.  Apart from the …

A Date That Shall Live In Infamy

Seventy years ago today, December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Imperial Japanese Navy.  This attack caused the United States Congress to declare war on Japan, and precipitated the now famous statement by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  Roosevelt  declared that  December 7, 1941, would be a date that would live in infamy.  And …