Should The Church Get Involved In Politics?

With a presidential election looming in the not too distant future, we are going to be subjected to a great deal of political rhetoric through the many media outlets. No doubt, we will also have occasion to speak with friends and neighbors about some of these current events.  But just what role should the church …

Strike Three!

Harold Camping, founder of Family Radio has once again failed concerning his end time predictions. For some time now, the 90-year-old Camping has attempted to predict the return of Jesus and the end of the world.  He predicted that Jesus would return in September of 1994.  He didn’t.  Strike One!  Then he made national headlines …

My Sister, Donna

Fifty-six years ago today, a little blond- headed, blue-eyed baby girl was born to my mom and dad.  Her name was Donna.  She was the first child born to my mom and dad, and she was born with Down’s Syndrome.  The doctor encouraged my mom and dad to institutionalize her.  They were young and he …


Yesterday I began preaching in a gospel meeting in Frenchburg, KY.  As I was getting ready to drive to the church building, I went to put on my shoes and realized that I had forgotten to pack my dress shoes!  All I had were the brown, casual shoes that I was wearing the day I …