The Urgency of the Gospel

The congregation at Karns has a very active jail ministry.  Twice a month, several men from Karns go to the Knox County jail, which probably houses a couple thousand inmates, and conduct Bible studies. Recently, one of the men who we had been studying with was released from jail.  When one is released from jail, …

Till Alzheimers Do Us Part

httpv:// “…In sickness and in health, for better or for worse…”  These are a part of the marriage vows that most couples recite during their marriage ceremony.  Whether these vows are recited or not, they are implicit truths concerning the nature of the relationship they are entering.  However, in one of Pat Roberston’s recent television …

It’s Enough

It seems we are always wanting more.  No matter the subject, and no matter how much we already have, we seem to always want more.  But when is enough, enough?  Can we be content with “enough.” Is it enough to have a car, or must we have the latest model?  Is it enough to have …

Ruby Wright Eddy

Ruby Wright Eddy was born in 1915, almost 96 years ago.  Yesterday, I received an email from my mom and dad telling me that Ruby had passed away.  This news caused a flood of memories to come to my mind.  I thought I’d share some of those memories with you. Ruby was my “backdoor” neighbor.  …

Is Your Integrity For Sale?

This past weekend, 11 year-old Nick Smith entered a contest for the chance to win $50,000.00.  All Nick had to do was shoot a 3 inch hockey puck through a 3 ½ in hole from 90 feet away.  Nick took careful aim, hit the puck with his hockey stick and to everyone’s amazement, the puck …