The Secularization of America

The term “secularization” may be unfamiliar with some people, so allow me to define it.  Secularization means to “separate something from religious or spiritual connection and make it worldly or unspiritual.” In other words, secularization is the process of removing religious and moral influence from our society. As you know, and many of you may …

An Eternal Perspective

A few months ago, I finally had to give in and purchase my first pair of bifocals.  Now, I’ve had to wear glasses since Junior High, but things are different now.  I had gotten to the point were I was having trouble focusing when I was reading.  But bifocals solved my problem.  When I read …

Teach Us To Number Our Days

The “New Year” always seems to rejuvenate us, offer us hope, and open for us another chapter in our lives.  Yet, for one family I know, and countless others I do not know, the new year brought with it heartbreak and despair.  In less than six hours, I will conduct the funeral of Christian man …

Psalm 100

I wanted to share the following video of one of our young people at South Green Street.  Grant is four years old, and he memorized and recited Psalm 100.  I also want to commend Grant’s parents for steering Grant in the direction of memorization.  Far too many children have memorized everything about video games, their …

“Newsweek” or “Newsweak?”

The December 15, 2008 issue of “Newsweek” magazine attempts to support “homosexual marriage” by appealing to Scripture. Yes, you read that correctly. In the current issue, the magazine cover reads, “The Religious Case For Gay Marriage.” Under the cover of “Our Mutual Joy,” Newsweek attempts to formulate an argument from the Bible to support homosexual …