Tag «preachers»

Don’t Bother Me; I’m Thinking

“A Christmas Story” is a holiday favorite around our house. Through the years, we’ve memorized various scenes and enjoyed quoting lines before they say them in the movie. One of my favorite lines from the movie comes when Ralphie was standing in line to see Santa Claus and the “Wicked Witch of the West” got down …

“Fit For The Pulpit”

Earlier this year, I was asked if I would contribute a chapter in a book designed for preachers.  However, the more I’ve thought about it, I’ve come to the conclusion that this book isn’t just for preachers, but it’s just as much for all Christians who want to do what they can to hold up …

Beware of Preying Preachers

I typically get up early on Sunday morning and go to my office so that I can finalize and meditate on the lessons that I have to present later that day.  However, this past Sunday we had a guest speaker, so I got ready for worship services in a much more leisurely fashion.  I turned …

Shooting Yourself in the Foot

As you probably know, I’m a fan of the Andy Griffith Show.  Of course, one of my favorite characters is Barney Fife.  If I’m not mistaken (and you Mayberry trivia buffs can correct me if I’m wrong), but Barney accidentally fired his gun 10 times, mostly while pulling it from his holster.  The amazing thing …