Author archives

Abilene Christian University Makes Policy Change On Alcohol

What next?  Read and weep… The Abilene Reporter News published a story last week with the headline: ACU Changes Alcohol Policy – Sanctions To Be Removed Against Legal-Age Drinking Off Campus. The article said taht the change came as a result of discussions and input received from student organizations and the university board of trustees. Jean-Noel Thompson, vice …

Gospel Meeting

This past week, I had the privilege of preaching for the good people at Groveport, Ohio.  Groveport is located just east of Columbus, Ohio.  David Stevens has been the preacher there for nearly two decades. The last time I preached in Groveport, the church was meeting in an old brick building in the heart of …

Soundbites From Our Gospel Meeting

For three days this week, we’ve had the opportunity to hear several lesson from Dale Jenkins (  Our meeting was one of the best attended meetings in the 19 years I have been in Glasgow.  Dale’s lessons presented several challenges and thoughts that need contemplation and implementation.  Instead of jotting some of those thoughts down in this blog, …

Thinking Out Loud On A Monday

I just wanted to share a few thoughts that have been going through my mind since early this morning.  Our church secretary took our weekly contribution to the bank to make our deposit as usual.  However, one of the tellers told her that our deposit slip was incorrect by $10.00.  She explained that the reason …

21st Century Restoration Or Digression?

Yesterday I read an excerpt from a new book that is due to be released by Leafwood Press.  The book is entitled, “One Church,” and it asks if “churches of Christ” will join the 21st Century Restoration.  Personally, I’m all in favor of restoration.  My problem with the excerpt I read is that the author is …