Author archives

A New Survey

A new survey conducted by “The Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life” was recently released.  This new study surveyed 35,000 adult Americans, a rather large sampling of people.  One of the findings of this survey stated that 44% of American adults have left the denomination of their childhood. When I read that finding, I began to …

Anchors For The Soul (Part 2)

One doesn’t live very long until he comes to realize that life is frequently difficult.  Without an anchor, one could easily be “lost at sea.”  Thank God we have anchors that are ”steadfast and sure while the billows roll.”

Anchors For The Soul (Part 1)

These two lessons identify several anchors for our soul.  The very same thing that allows ships to maintain their position in the midst of a great storm is the same thing that allows us to maintain our position when the storms of life blow – AN ANCHOR. 

Canceling Church

Dan Williams tells the story of two preachers who were visiting over a cup of coffee.  The first preacher said to the second, “I cancelled our Sunday night services about five months ago.”  “You did?” the second preacher replied, “What do your church members think?”  The first preacher said, “I suspect they’ll be pretty upset …


I am in the process of trying to figure out how to add audio sermons to the itunes store.  This post contains a sermon about the apostle, Thomas.  So much of what we hear about him is negative and centered around his “doubts.”  However, I prefer to refer to Thomas, not as the “Doubting Disciple,” …