Author archives

Atheist Turns Theist

Antony Flew is without a doubt, one of the world’s most influential atheists of the 20th Century.  So you can imagine what a ripple in the waters of Atheism Antony Flew created when, in 2004 he stated that he now believed in God.  In 2007, Flew published a book in which he describes his journey …

Atheists for Jesus

Richard Dawkins, a world renowned atheist and the author of a book entitled, “The God Delusion” was recently photographed sporting the t-shirt in the picture to the left.  The message on the t-shirt is, “Atheists for Jesus”. Now, why would an atheist wear a t-shirt saying, “Atheists for Jesus?”  The answer to that question is …

John 3:16

How many of you know a man by the name of Rollen Stewart?  Name doesn’t ring a bell?  Well, allow me to give you a few hints… John 3:16 Rainbow Afro Sporting events Enough said, right?  Probably.  If you’re old enough to remember the early 1980’s, you’ll remember Rollen Stewart as the man with a …

New Website

For a little more than two years now, I have owned the domain name  My intention was to place some of my sermon outlines and writings on this website.  However, I just never got it done.  Well, over the past couple weeks, I have devoted myself to the task of getting a new website …