Author archives

More Than Meets the Eye

Last week, I stumbled across this relief dating back to the time of Sennacherib, King of Assyria. Though gruesome, it reminded me of the importance of diligent Bible study. Several years ago, my wife presented me with a trip to Israel. It was amazing, and one of the greatest benefits I gained from it was …

Why Not Wednesday Night?

If you visit church websites, receive church bulletins, or travel much, you will soon realize that church attendance on Sunday and Wednesday nights is in a free fall! So what is the problem?  Why is there such a drop-off in numbers? Typically, when this question is asked, we begin to blame the people who don’t …

What Would You Do?

Imagine the following scenario: You came up with an amazing ministry idea for your congregation. It was your “brainchild,” so you set up a meeting with the bishops of your congregation, and just as you thought, they, too, loved your idea!  In fact, they are elated with it.  “Yes, absolutely, yes!” they said. “We want …

Ministering to the Grieving

Through the years, I have stood at the head of many caskets, and I have heard many comments made to grieving families that made me cringe.  While the intent was not to harm or add pain, in reality that is what they did.  Like Job’s friends, they would have better served as comforters if they …

When Compassion & Truth Collide

Last week, a little boy named Emanuele, openly wept as he asked the Pope if his unbelieving father, who had recently died, was in heaven? Quite frankly, I felt empathy for the Pope as he had to answer this highly emotional question from a heart-broken little boy. I don’t think anyone would relish such a …