Author archives

Why A Special Needs Ministry?

Yesterday, the members of the Karns church of Christ completed an exhausting day in which about 130 volunteers spent six hours ministering to approximately 50 people who have special needs. We named this ministry, “Forever His,” and have been doing it since 2015. Not everyone understands why we would embrace such a ministry, so here’s …

The Anatomy of a Backslider

There are many reasons why one would choose to leave a church; some of them are valid, others, not so much. But frequently, when it does happen, their departure follows a too familiar pattern. Consider the following anatomy of a backslider: A Backslider Usually Suffers from Pride. “Peter answered and said to him, ‘Even if …

A Book Review

Although I am not the most prolific reader, I do continue to read as much as I can. I believe it is a grave mistake for a preacher, or for any Christian to stop reading and studying. We should live our lives in a pursuit for greater knowledge of God’s word and how he wants …