Author archives

Why Doesn’t Our Church Evangelize?

Many years ago, when I first started preaching, a man would regularly visit my office on a Monday morning and complain about how “dead” our congregation was. His favorite charge against the church was that “nobody ever evangelized.” Week after week I would question his accusation and ask him, “Do you know what your brothers …

Leprosy and Church Division

During biblical times, leprosy, in its worst form, was a dreaded disease. Today, Hansen’s Disease (otherwise known as leprosy) is curable, but this was not the case in biblical times. Leprosy used to be a debilitating disease that would eventually result in a lonely, painful death. God knew the potential danger of this airborne disease …

My Daily Reminder

During my last visit to MD Anderson, I was told I must begin wearing a “medical alert bracelet.” When I first heard that, I can honestly say that I was less concerned with the condition that I have, which requires this bracelet, than I was with the fact that I’m not a “bracelet” kind of …

I’m One of Them

Some of you may know that I’ve been traveling back and forth to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX, since I was diagnosed with cancer last August. If you are not aware, MD Anderson is the number one cancer hospital in the United States. It has over 1.6 million patients and a staff of …