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A few weeks ago, a friend and brother, Jeff Smith, shared a devotional message with our church family. His message gave me the idea for this article. I grew up on Virginia Avenue in Chester, WV. On both sides of Virginia Avenue we had a six foot wide sidewalk made out of bricks. I memorized …

Year End Statistics

It was in 1990 when I decided to create a website to archive Biblical materials. In the early days, I had to memorize HTML code and create the site manually in HTML through a lot of trial and error.  This was really time intensive, especially to change or update. A few years later, WYSIWYG editors (What You …

Playboy Is Doing What?

In a recent interview with the New York Times, Playboy’s CEO announced that the magazine is going to stop publishing nude photos. For more than 60 years, Playboy has been the most recognizable brand for “pornography.” So the decision to stop publishing nude photographs is newsworthy. The reason for their change was not a religious …

Is It Possible?

Balance is critical in every realm of life. Where balance is lacking, problems are sure to follow.  That couldn’t be any more true than in the realm of religion. Is it possible that we need to consider balance in our spiritual lives? If so, consider the following: Is it possible that we tenaciously affirm weekly observance of …