Author archives

A Valuable Teacher

A little more than ten years ago, I went through a rather difficult time.  I had noticed a small knot on my neck, went to the doctor, and was diagnosed with having a tumor in one of my salivary glands.  According to what the doctors told me, tumors in this particular salivary glad typically have …

Last Words

On Sunday, October 25, 2015, Darrell Holt, a preacher for the Figueroa Church of Christ in Los Angeles, preached his last sermon and spoke his last words. As Darrell Holt neared the conclusion of his sermon, he stepped down out of the pulpit in front of the communion table and told the congregation that he …

And It Came To Pass…

An older man once sat in on a class in a Bible College. That day the professor asked his students to share a verse that means a great deal to them. The students were eager to oblige. They offered many great verses, rich with theological implications. When the class finished, the professor asked the visiting …

My Friend, Wendell Agee

I was saddened to learn that my good friend, co-worker, and brother in Christ, Wendell Agee departed from this life last night to be with his Lord. I met Wendell and his wife June when we moved to Knoxville a little over five years ago. During these past five years, Wendell and I have been on  mission …

Another Night With The Frogs?

An amazing thing happened in Exodus 8. Pharaoh had all he could stand of the plague of frogs God had sent upon Egypt. So Pharaoh asked Moses to entreat his God to get rid of the frogs. Moses agreed to do so and asked Pharaoh when he wanted him to make intercession on his behalf. Unbelievably, Pharaoh …