Author archives

What If…?

“What if you’re baptizing a person and no one noticed that the big toe of the person being baptized didn’t get under the water? Would he be saved or would he still be in his sins?” This is an example of a “hypothetical question.” Hypothetical questions are questions that aren’t explicitly addressed, so the answers have …

Christmas To Me

In spite of the name, “PreachingHelp,” this blog is my personal blog. I decided more than a decade ago to move my writings off the church website to my own personal blog so that I could, if I wanted to, write about some subjects that have nothing to do with spiritual matters. This post is …

A Short “Christmas” Quiz

At this time of the year, more will be said about the birth of Jesus than at any other time of the year.  Yet, each year I can’t help but be a bit disturbed by all the biblical ignorance and inaccuracies associated with the birth of our Savior.  When it comes to one of the …

You Need the Daylight Beaten Out of You!

Typically when someone says they want to “beat the daylights out of us” we take exception to it. But on second thought, maybe that’s exactly what we need. Really. Read on. Earlier this week, Reed Swindle, a friend of mine explained to me the origins of this idiom. You see, when a blacksmith or a …

Grunge Christianity

Grunge is in – wholesomeness is out. Profanity is in – piety is out. Crude is in – genteel is out. And shock is in while politeness is out. At least that’s what we’re being told by those who claim to be in tune with contemporary culture. Supposedly, in an effort to be more relevant to our …