Author archives

Do You Know These Men?

Did you know that there was once a nation whose leader was known for: Hosting and participating in sexual orgies. Having a library of pornography. Raping men against their will. Engaging in pedophilia; even engaging in sexual acts against infants. Eventually, he was assassinated, and in his place, a new leader came to power who …

From the Editor’s Trash Can

In 1942, C.S. Lewis wrote a fictional, satirical book entitled, “The Screwtape Letters.” This book was about a seasoned demon named “Screwtape,” who was trying to advise his nephew, “Wormwood,” an inexperienced demon, how to be an effective tempter. In the spirit of C.S. Lewis’ classic work, I began to wonder, “What if the events …


Peter’s words were full of conviction…”Even if I have to die with you, I will not deny you” (Matthew 26:35). Yet, as we read further, we learn that the inquiries of a young servant girl were enough to cause Peter to lose his conviction and deny his Lord (Matthew 26:69-70). Less than 200 years later, …

Post-Presidential Debate

What words come to mind after watching the first presidential debate? Here are the words that come to my mind… Rancor. Disrespect. Dishonesty. Misrepresentations. Lies. Rudeness. Slow to listen; swift to speak. What’s even more interesting to me are the words that come to mind after listening to God’s people on social media following the …

No-Mask Sunday!

Yay! Finally, the Sunday has come for which we have all been waiting! This coming Sunday is “No Mask Sunday!” I’m pretty sure that all of us are tired of wearing our masks. If you’re like me, you’ve found them to be uncomfortable and a hassle. They have inhibited our worship, as well as our …