Category «Doctrinal»


Churches have always been influenced by the values of the cultures that surround them. For instance, the city of Corinth was known for its immorality, and it’s no surprise that immorality had also crept into the church (1 Corinthians 5). Today, our culture highly values the equality of men and women, and thus the message …

As Light As Pink

You’re probably familiar with the statement written by the prophet Isaiah, in which he said, “Come let us reason together, though your sins be like scarlet, they shall be light as pink.” … No, that’s not what Isaiah said, though one might think he did by the way some Christians act. No, what Isaiah said …

My First Lesson In Hermeneutics

My first lesson in hermeneutics came when I was about 8-years-old in Citizen’s Drug Store in Chester, WV. I had stopped in the drugstore on my way home from school to buy some bubble gum and opposite the bubble gum, in the same aisle, was a “Tonka truck.” When I was a boy, I never …

If You Love Me, Come Away

In 1843, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a short story entitled, “The New Adam and Eve.” In this short story, Hawthorne imagined the earth without any people. The works of man and infrastructure built by mankind still stood, but mankind was gone. This was the new “Garden of Eden” wherein God placed the new “Adam and Eve.” …

To Give Or Not To Give?

It’s that time of year again. You know…cold weather, Christmas decorations, long shopping lines, and “soldiers” in the Salvation Army standing at the entrance of nearly every major shopping area. These dedicated soldiers brave the cold while ringing a little bell, as they solicit donations to help the needy. These red kettles are responsible for …