Do You Know What Next Sunday Is?

As you already know, next Sunday, just eight days from now will be…

“The Lord’s Day!”

Yes, I said, “The Lord’s Day.” Oh, I know that next Sunday also happens to be “Christmas,” but to the follower of Jesus, that social holiday should pale in comparison to the Lord’s Day.

I have often been sadly amused (oxymoron) at how people will lament the secular direction of our culture and will opine that “Christ needs to be put back in Christmas.” Yet, when Christmas happens to fall on a Sunday, just watch as Bible classes and worship services designed to worship and praise Christ are canceled, delayed, or skipped for other priorities.

Friends, especially parents, next Sunday, you will be given an opportunity to make a statement to your children about your real priorities in life. What an opportunity we will have to etch into the minds of our families that nothing comes before our relationship with God, not even Christmas. Not only will this be a lesson for those who have children, but many of you will have family from out-of-town visiting. Company is not an excuse to put Jesus second. Bring them to church with you, and if they will not come, tell them when they can expect you home. But, whatever you do, don’t put your Savior second. The world will not end if presents have to be opened later in the day, the night before, or put on pause so that our Savior can be worshiped.

Next week, you’re going to make a statement. The question is what will that statement be? Will it be a “Mt. Moriah” moment (Genesis 22) that will etch in your children’s memory that you love the Lord more than anything, or will it be a memory of compromise, poor priorities, and a lack of conviction?

I hope you make the right decision. The church needs you next Sunday. We will have people present, CEO’s as they are called (Christmas and Easter Only), who are not aware of how woefully inadequate such a response is to Jesus. Your presence will give you an opportunity to befriend, encourage, and speak a gracious word to them that may prove to be the beginning of a change in their lives for the better.

Please don’t forget what next Sunday is!
