Is God Male or Female?

There is presently an interesting debate taking place in one of the major religious denominations in the United States. The debate centers around whether or not this denomination should make changes to their “Book of Common Prayer.”
This “Book of Common Prayer,” has a central role within this denomination, and is recited in every one of their churches. So central is this book of prayers, that the priests are not permitted to deviate from the precise wording employed in the prayers contained therein.
Consequently, there is quite a debate that is ongoing because some within this denomination want to change all the masculine references to God to gender neutral references. Move over, “Heavenly Father,” and “King of kings,” and make room for “Heavenly Creator,” and “Ruler of rulers.”
Not only is this denomination debating whether to change the “Book of Common Prayer” with reference to gender neutrality when referencing God, but also adding prayers affirming the Christian’s duty to conserve the Earth, a liturgical ceremony to celebrate a transgender person’s adoption of a new name, and for adding same-sex marriage ceremonies.
But now to the point of this article. I find it very disturbing that as this denomination debates the appropriateness and inappropriateness of making changes to their cherished “Book of Common Prayer,” not a word is said in defense of the Bible! Where’s the concern about changing the words the inspired apostles employed? Where’s the concern about changing the words of Jesus when he taught his disciples how to pray, saying, “Our Father, who art in Heaven…” (Matthew 6:9)? Where’s the concern about changing the definition of marriage (i.e. a man and a woman) that Jesus reconfirmed (Matthew 19:5)?
Could it be that the words of man are valued above the words of God? Could it be that a “creed book,” written by man is more revered than the Bible, written by men inspired by God? Yes! That is exactly what we are witnessing. Today, the Bible barely receives “honorable mention” in spiritual discussions. It’s not a new phenomenon. It was happening in the days of Jesus, “…in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:9).
Friends, this debate is larger than a debate about the “gender of God,” it’s a debate for the relevance and authority of God’s word on any given spiritual matter. Let’s make it our aim to be “A people of the Book!” (and I’m not talking about a book of common prayers).


Comments 9

  • Steve, thank you so much for preaching the Bible as God meant us to have it! You are an awesome teacher!

  • Awesome post Steve…it is beyond time that we restore once more and forevermore..the plea that the founding fathers of certain denominations their followers…lets just get back to the bible. This started a great awakening in this nation…looks like people continue to repeat history…lets accommodate them with this plea as well as an apologetic plea…to contend earnestly for the faith…as well as 1pet. 3:15

  • You didn’t address whether God is Male or Female, you just made fun of the **** Church (very odd that you avoid mentioning their name).

  • Larry, I appreciate you taking time to reply to my article.

    No, I did not address the question of God’s gender, but rather the goings-on in a denomination that is debating God’s gender. Sorry if that disappoints you. As for “making fun of people,” as you charged, that is a absolutely false. I wasn’t “making fun” of anyone, unless you consider correction “making fun.” Surely, you don’t though, else Jesus would have been guilty of making fun of people all the time. I was addressing the sad situation of people who are more committed to their creed book than the Bible. I said nothing that could be construed as “making fun of” them. In fact, the reason I didn’t use the name of this church was because I didn’t want this to be about “who” was doing this, but “what” they were doing. Seems to me that if I wanted to make fun of someone, I wouldn’t have shielded who I was making fun of.

    Anyway, I hope this clarifies matters for you.

  • BTW Larry,
    I’ve tried to reach you privately, but the email that you have twice provided is not a working email according to my bounce notifications. Providing a false email so that you can make comments and not be held accountable for them is well…less than acting with integrity. I will not spend my time engaging your additional comments until you demonstrate a basic level of honest inquiry.

  • May we all agree to simply follow the Bible. Steve, thanks once again, for protecting God’s Word… the Bible.
    ole olsen

  • God Bless you Steve for this article. Many are asleep to enormous drive worldly people are making against marriage between a man and a woman, the authority of God’s word; people are advocating sodomy, homosexuality , fornication and adultery. They do not fear or respect our Heavenly Father. Their minds are darkened to sin and every worldly lust

  • In a man-made religion, man makes up the rules. Man then has the right to change the rules. I expect nothing less out of a group who do not honor God”s Word.
    I was raised in the religious group you are referring to.

  • Thank you for your straight forward factual information about how far “so called religious people” have gone away from Gid’s Word so far, by which they will be judged (John 12:48)