Things A Preacher Hears

I’m going to have a little fun with today’s post. Earlier today, I received a message from a preacher who was recounting some of the things people have said to him through the years. Many of them were funny and all too familiar. So I thought I’d share a few of my own. These are all things …

For the Sake of Balance

One of the continuing challenges of preaching is the challenge of “balance.”  Due to our backgrounds, culture, and preferences, we sometimes lack balance in our presentation of truth. Therefore, I want to propose the following challenges… Preach a sermon on the role of women without once mentioning what women cannot do. Is it not the case …

Doing Without

Samuel B. Pierce was a good man and a devoted follower of Jesus. I’d like to share a brief story from his life that should give us pause to think. The story is told that one year, when Sam’s oldest daughter was about to start a new school year, Sam bought his daughter a new …

How to Lose Our Moral Voice

Several of today’s sins would not have been openly discussed in yesterday’s churches. Things that were once considered abhorrent have been normalized in our culture. Consequently, Christians are rightfully alarmed. We fear for the future of our nation and the world in which our children and grandchildren will live. So out of concern, we have …

Hotel Bibles

If I were to follow the lead of our hyper-sensitive, easily offended society, I might take offense at a recent article I read in the LA Times. The Times reported that “Moxy Hotels,” a subsidiary of Marriott International, has decided to no longer offer any religious materials in their hotel rooms. The decision to remove all bedside Bibles …