How Large Is 69 Million?

Would you agree with me when I say that some numbers are just too large to grasp? For example, the number 69 million.  Who can get their arms around that number? Just how large is that number? Let me try to explain how large that number is. Think of this. The total combined populations of …

It’s A Pitcher’s Mound

I guess you have to have known my dad to fully appreciate this one, but for those of you who didn’t know him, I’ll introduce you to one of his character traits. Dad loved his lawn. I have countless memories of my dad working in the lawn. Dad didn’t just work in the lawn, he …

What Is A Kiss?

A kiss is the contact of one person’s lips on another person which has the potential to share up to 80 million bacteria, and which sounds like a cow pulling it’s hoof out of mud. Well, that’s one definition of a kiss, but I’m sure you would agree with me that it is woefully inadequate. …

So, You Want to be a Preacher?

The new year often provides time for reflection. 2017 will mark 33 years of full-time preaching for me. During those years, I have found myself in quite a few interesting situations. Those who think the life of a preacher must be stuffy and boring need to spend some time with me. I thought I’d share …

Only a Handful

During a great famine in the days of King Ahab (1 Kings 17), Elijah, the prophet, asked a widow for a piece of bread. Her response to him was, “I do not have any bread, only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a jar.” To the widow, only a …