What A Terrible Day!

Today, I had a terrible day.  Everyone was against me.  Some days, I get so frustrated with people.  Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to deal with people at all.  They can be so unreasonable.  Today was one of those days. Today was “trash day.”  I took out our trash the night before, but when …


No, the title is not a typo.  I meant to type “discipleshift” rather than “discipleship.”  The reason for the “shift” is to bring to our attention some “shifts” in our thinking and conduct that may need to be made in order to conform ourselves more perfectly to the will of God. When we view discipleship …


“Radical feminism,” is not a pejorative term employed to denigrate a woman’s desire for equality. No, radical feminism is a branch of feminism that is, well…radical.  The goal of radical feminism is to overthrow patriarchy.  To do so, they seek to remove all gender distinctions from society. That’s a problem for the disciple of Jesus, …

Blind Justice

Justice should be blind with respect to person, money, and position, but “Lady Justice” would be better served if she would remove her blindfold when it comes to the true “standard of Justice.”  It certainly would have kept her from tripping over the word of God this week. As I’m sure you know, the Supreme …

My Granddad King

On June 28, 1885, my Granddad, Edward King was born in Wetzel County West Virginia.  Tomorrow, will mark what would have been his 128th birthday. Not many people my age can say they had a grandfather who was born in 1885!  Here we are in 2013, and my grandfather reached all the way back to …