
It’s difficult to receive correction, isn’t it?  It’s easy when being corrected to fall into judging the person’s motives for correcting us, taking offense at the way they corrected us, and searching out inconsistencies and errors in the life of the one correcting us. But I guess that’s why David was said to be a …

Preaching on the Cutting Edge

We’re within a couple weeks of Father’s Day, so I thought I would say a few words about my dad and make a point at the same time.  This week, my dad will complete 61 years of preaching.  He will also begin his 50th year at the same congregation in Chester, WV beginning in December.  …

Do You Want To Go With Me?

Presence.  We all value it whether we realize it or not. I can remember a frequent routine that used to take place in our house when my youngest son was about six-years-old and my youngest daughter was about two-years-old.  It would be evening, the family would be upstairs, and I might ask my youngest son …

Everyone Knows John 3:16…Or do they?

Everyone knows John 3:16, right? Christians and unbelievers alike have seen this verse advertised at nearly every sporting event for the past thirty years.  It speaks of God’s love for man.  “For God so loved the world…” While it is true that this verse tells us of the depth of God’s love (after all, he …