Tag «Criticism»
Nice Try
Quite possibly, one of the greatest nemeses of a preacher is the “back door” of the church building. You see, it’s at the back door that some of the most hurtful words a preacher will ever hear are spoken. It’s at the back door where “grenades” are lobbed, and the preacher has no other choice …
Who Do You Think You Are?

“Who do you think you are telling me to…” Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m guilty. There have been times when this thought was dancing in my mind while outwardly, I patiently smiled and listened while being corrected or critiqued by a fellow Christian. In football, it’s called “Monday Morning Quarterbacking.” In the church it doesn’t …
It’s difficult to receive correction, isn’t it? It’s easy when being corrected to fall into judging the person’s motives for correcting us, taking offense at the way they corrected us, and searching out inconsistencies and errors in the life of the one correcting us. But I guess that’s why David was said to be a …