My Mom’s Bedstand

It’s 2:00 a.m. and I am on “Day 6” of my vigil with my mother. On Saturday afternoon, June 15, my mother suffered a fall in her bedroom. The injury she sustained will soon take her life. These past six days have been very difficult. As I am writing these words, I am watching my …

Who Held the Ropes?

Who was the U.S. President that was shot on March 31, 1981? Surely, most people reading this would be able to correctly respond, “Ronald Reagan.” But what if I were to ask for the name of the Secret Service officer who stepped in front of President Reagan and took a bullet that was intended for …

Why Preachers Plagiarize

I used to receive a church bulletin from a church in Texas and I noticed that nearly every week, the preacher at this church was publishing in their bulletin, articles that I had written. However, he was making one minor change to those articles. He was using “Whiteout” to remove my name under the title …

Facebook Etiquette for Disciples of Jesus

I’ve been a Facebook user since 2006. Since that time, I would consider myself a moderate user (my children would choose the term “creeper”). Whatever term best identifies me, I’ve been around long enough to be “put off,” “disappointed,” “embarrassed,” and “shocked” by some of the things I’ve read and seen. Therefore, I’m going to …


Churches have always been influenced by the values of the cultures that surround them. For instance, the city of Corinth was known for its immorality, and it’s no surprise that immorality had also crept into the church (1 Corinthians 5). Today, our culture highly values the equality of men and women, and thus the message …