Merry Christmas?

For many people, Christmas is the “most wonderful time of the year,” but for others, it can be the most painful time of the year. While many will be together laughing, and sharing expressions of love during this holiday season, others will be sitting alone, broken, and forlorn. It’s difficult for those who have not …

To Give Or Not To Give?

It’s that time of year again. You know…cold weather, Christmas decorations, long shopping lines, and “soldiers” in the Salvation Army standing at the entrance of nearly every major shopping area. These dedicated soldiers brave the cold while ringing a little bell, as they solicit donations to help the needy. These red kettles are responsible for …

And I Thought You Were My Friend

Several months ago, I wrote an article entitled, “Jack the Baptizer.” It was an article about a friend of mine who, in spite of several disabilities due to his cerebral palsy, was able to teach and baptize three friends. Well, my friend, Jack Higginbotham (no relation) is still at work trying to reach the lost …

Will Heaven Be Worse Than Hell?

The renown Science Fiction writer, Isaac Asimov once wrote, “I don’t believe in an afterlife, so I don’t have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more. For whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse.” I think Asimov not only summed up his …

Picking a Fight

When I was a boy growing up, my mom and dad taught me not to fight. For the most part, I lived in harmony with those instructions. However, I had a neighbor who was always doing “mean” things to me. Yet, because of what my parents taught me, I endured his behavior. Well, one day, …