Is God Male or Female?

There is presently an interesting debate taking place in one of the major religious denominations in the United States. The debate centers around whether or not this denomination should make changes to their “Book of Common Prayer.” This “Book of Common Prayer,” has a central role within this denomination, and is recited in every one …

We Have to Pay First

Shephard, a little boy I know, who was not quite two-years old at the time, was sitting in a shopping cart as his mother was shopping. This little boy’s mother had picked up an item that he was anxious to eat, and while still at the checkout stand, Shephard wanted to unwrap this item and …

Stolen Virtue

In 2013, the United States Congress passed the “Stolen Valor Act.” This act made it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim to have received a military “valor award.” Apparently, our society has zero tolerance for people who misappropriate the valor intended for others. I could only wish our society felt the same way …

More Than Meets the Eye

Last week, I stumbled across this relief dating back to the time of Sennacherib, King of Assyria. Though gruesome, it reminded me of the importance of diligent Bible study. Several years ago, my wife presented me with a trip to Israel. It was amazing, and one of the greatest benefits I gained from it was …

Why Not Wednesday Night?

If you visit church websites, receive church bulletins, or travel much, you will soon realize that church attendance on Sunday and Wednesday nights is in a free fall! So what is the problem?  Why is there such a drop-off in numbers? Typically, when this question is asked, we begin to blame the people who don’t …