The Irony of Radical Feminism

Presently, a total of seven states have banned abortions performed for the reason of “sex selection.” As you know, several cultures value male children much more than female children. Consequently, many women are having abortions when they learn the gender of their pre-born child is female. Talk about sex-discrimination! You’d think that feminists who are all about protecting the …

Racism Is Learned

Just last night, a friend of mine told me of an incident that occurred many years earlier with his young daughter. They lived in Minnesota at the time and consequently, were fans of the Minnesota Twins baseball team. One day, this man handed his daughter a baseball card and told her it was a Kirby …

Daddy, Can I Come Home?

Several years ago, I met a life-long friend walking down the road. We stopped for a couple moments and exchanged greetings. I asked her how she and her husband were doing (they had married three months earlier). Her response startled me. She said, “Steve, we’re not together any more. I wasn’t happy, so I called …

Gender Justice

We’ve probably all heard it before. The argument goes something like this…”Galatians 3:28 teaches that in Christ, there is neither male nor female, for we are all ‘one in Christ.’ Since that’s the case, any attempt to restrict the role of women in the church on the basis of her gender is unscriptural.” I have …